Direct booking benefits

The booking bonuses at Schick Hotels
are as individual as our hotels

  • Typical Viennese wine
  • Gourmet indulgence voucher
  • Chocolate for all those with a sweet tooth
  • Vitamin kick
  • The most beautiful room in the booked category

Schick Hotels Vienna - Social engagement with charm

Social projects from the bottom of our hearts

For Dr. Martin Schick and his team it is a matter close to their hearts to show social engagement and to support people in need. This is how the long-standing cooperations with partners like Stiftung Kindertraum, Red Cross Vienna or fair trade, to name just a few, started.

Schick Hotels Vienna: happy children are our future

Certificate Kindertraum Foundation


For 20 years the Schick Hotels have supported Stiftung Kindertraum, an organisation that makes wishes of ill children and children with special needs come true. On the occasion of this 20 years jubilee 2018 we were honoured by the Stiftung Kindertraum. For us this support is a real matter of our heart and we promise to continue this support also in future.

This promise was also kept, because the tradition of fulfilling a heart's desire is very important to us. Andrej's heart's desire was fulfilled in December 2023.

Andrej is 4 years old and lives in Vienna. He has been diagnosed with early childhood autism and communicates non-verbally through gestures, facial expressions and visual signs. Andrej is an extremely active child who relies on a lot of help from his mother in his everyday life. Music therapy gives Andrej the chance to strengthen his self-confidence and communicate better with those around him.

From a holiday in America to various therapies, a "crawling aid" or a new computer, there have been many wished that came true and gave these children moments of happiness. For Dr. Marting Schick and his whole team it is a great honour to help disadvantaged children in their development.

The original idea – to invest the Christmas cards budget in a donation to Stiftung Kindertraum – has become a regular institution at the Schick Hotels. By now it is natural for the management and the big team at the Viennese private hotels to support important charitable projects not only around Christmas.

Other social institutions are also supported with donations from the Schick Hotels Vienna. The motto “together today for tomorrow and the day after” best summarises the company's philosophy, which is the base for Schick Hotel Vienna's social engagement.

Chef Anton Kormanak hands over the Sunday soup to Karlsküche

Foot donation for the homeless at the Karlskirche

In October 2022, a new project started, organized by the team from the Karlskirche in Vienna, Karl's Küche bei den Kreuzherren. The members of the "Ritterlicher Kreuzherrenorden mit dem Roten Stern" have set themselves the task of providing the poorest of the poor in Vienna with soup and bread.

The Schick Hotels were happy to provide soup and bread for around 50 people every third Sunday. The food will be picked up in the morning by volunteers at the Hotel Stefanie and given to the homeless at 11:00 a.m. at the Karlskirche.

Letter from Lichtblickhof 2022

Donate rays of hope

The mission of e.motion Lichtblickhof is to be there with animals to accompany and support children, youth and families who are burdened by traumatic experiences, illness, death or disability. To help them regain a sense of security, predictability of the world, self-efficacy and dignity.

With our donation, we want to make a contribution so that those affected can master their lives again or anew on their own feet and also enjoy them.

SOS Children's Village

For many years the Schick Hotels have been sponsor for a SOS Children's Village in Rumania and support monthly with a "Village sponsorship".

Team photo of the U16 of FC Altera Porta

Sponsor of ALTERA PORTA soccer team

As a sponsor of the Altera Porta girls’ soccer (football) team in 2019/20, the Schick Hotels already the second year was able to outfit the 12-and-under age group with new uniforms, which will hopefully help the girls score lots of goals in the new season. Also the 16-and under age group got new dresses in 2019/20.

The ALTERA PORTA soccer team was founded in 2010 as the first and only women’s and girls’ soccer club in central Vienna, in the green Prater.


Help for the blind and the visually impaired

For many years the Schick Hotels have supported various aid organisations for the blind and the visually impaired in Austria. On the one hand with donations to the aid organisations for the blind and the visually impaired .

On the other hand with regular purchases of high-quality brooms, brushes, etc. that have all been made by blind people via ÖBER, the occupation and distribution society for Austria's blind production, which we would also like to recommend to you. Our last order: various brushes, scrubbers, brooms and towels. As well as frotee-sets for children which we use e.g. at our Hotel Erzherzog Rainer.

A sick child in a children's hospital laughs with two people dressed as clowns

CliniClowns - Laughter is the best medicine

Already for several years, the Schick Hotels have supported the CliniClowns Austria with raffle tickets for their events, e.g. the charity golf tournament or a charity gospel concert. Since 1991, the CliniClowns have visited hospitals and geriatric centers in support of little and big patients, transporting them to an imaginary land where laughter reigns and pain and sadness no longer exist. Every CliniClown is specially trained and continually undergoes further training. The nonprofit organization is financed, like many others, via sponsoring and benefit events, for example

A green pass for Noah's Ark

Sponsor of Arche Noah

The Schick Hotels have officially been sponsors of the Arche Noah association since 2017. The association has been committed to preserving old cultivated and useful plants for 25 years. The mission is: culture of diversity instead of mono-culture.

As a company that pays great attention to the purchase of high-quality food, the Schick Hotels have decided to support Arche Noah.

Direct booking benefits & book